Pre-Course Requirements
Seafarers who hold an existing personal survival techniques (PST) certificate are required to complete this updating training course to maintain proficiency under the STCW 2010 Manila Amendments (STCW Section A-VI/1 & table A-VI/1-1).
The training will take place both in the classroom and at our pool facility, where attendees are required to be fit enough to undertake the in-water practical drills, similar to those undertaken on the original PST course.
Course Description
The learner is able to maintain the required standard of competence in personal survival techniques (PST).
Learning objectives
- Correctly don and use an immersion suit.
- Jump from a height into the water.
- Swim while wearing a life jacket.
- Right an inverted life raft while wearing a life jacket.
- Keep afloat without a life jacket.
- Board a survival craft from the water when wearing a life jacket.
This course contains some exercises that are physically demanding. Any candidate unsure of their fitness for such activities should consult their doctor.
E-Learning and Exit Examination
Please note that all exit exams are now conducted online the DGS website and can only be attempted once the candidates have complete the requisite e-learning hours on the DGS website.
Candidates are allowed a total of three attempts only. If you do not pass on the third attempt, that particular course has to be repeated after paying the full course fees again.
Note: As per DGS instructions it is mandatory to attempt the exit exams from the institute.